Fish the Merrimack River and Plum Island beachfront aboard the
"Summer Job"
Captain Scott Maguire will take you on his 23' Parker center console with it's quiet, four-stroke Yamaha engine. No two stroke exhaust or noise to get in the way of your nice day on the water.
Fishing cycles change through out the season.
May 15 to June 5th typically is light tackle "tune-up" fishing for schoolie striped bass on artificals. (But not all years are the same, in 2012 the schoolies were in by May 7th and keepers by May 13th!!) A small bass fights like a trophy when you cast a popper on a "trout rod"! You can also find a "surprise" keeper which is very exciting on light tackle! Plus a good day could be the catch & release of 30-50 bass!!
June 5 to mid August we leave the river to find & catch live bait! I've had some customers who were having so much fun catching mackerel they did not want to go back for the stripers! When we return back to the river we drop a "livie" for nice keeper bass and hold on!
August brings us bluefish! I like them because they fight hard and if handled properly are great on the grill. Blues are caught trolling, jigging or by casting artificals at breaking fish on the surface.
Trophy bass can be caught by slow trolling "outside" with a live mackerel. On a nice day this can be a very pleasant outing for the whole family and you get a chance to catch your personal best striped bass!
August can bring us "football" bluefin tuna! If they are close enough to chase with a 23' boat, I'm rigged & ready to go! The only thing that can make your blood boil like breaking tuna within casting range, is being hooked up to one!
September is a mix of striped bass, blue fish or tuna depending on weather conditions.
October 10th I put the boat away and go back to my "real job". I also start counting down the 30 weeks until the marina reopens for the next fishing season!!
The "Summer Job" is equipped with all United States Coast Guard required and recommended safety equipment including:
Radar..............Marine Radio
EPIRB...............First Aid Kit
Color Depth Finder.............GPS / Chart Plotter
Saftey is a very important issue with Capt. Scott. Not only do we ALWAYS come home with the same number of passengers we left with, there are no hard liquor or drugs allowed on "Summer Job".
Capt. Scott is also enrolled in a random drug testing program as required of all USCG licensed captains.
Your trip includes:
All bait, I usually use Live Bait (mackerel) or chunk mackerel & tackle which is constantly cleaned and maintained.