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United States Coast Guard Licensed Captain

Massachusetts Charter Boat License




Captain Scott Maguire


is a member of the following organizations:


Women catch fish

Northeast Charterboat Captain's Assoc.

I've been on the board of directors since 2001.
I am currently a Vice President.


Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Striped Bass Advisory Panel


Plum Island Surfcasters

Recreational Fishing Alliance

 U.S.C.G. Licensed........................Fully Insured

I am involved with these organizations because I care about striped bass, want to learn all I can about them and make your private charter for striped bass or bluefish a complete success!



As old sea dogs go...

Captain Scott is just a puppy...

he has only been fishing the area for 36 years!!!

              "Full time since '99"


Fishing Newburyport

Contact Captain Scott Maguire via:

E-mail: captscottmaguire@comcast.net

 Telephone: 978-465-2307

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Fishing Newburyport

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